Treez and Flowers Florist


Treez and Flowers is born from a family of florists, with both my mother and sister having the same passion and career in floristry. At Treez we create beautiful flowers for your home, your wedding, your friend’s birthday, as well as tasteful funeral flowers. No job is too small. Please visit our website or call us to see how we can help you.

TreezD      TreezE      TreezF      TreezB



Flowers to go down long tressel tables..wrapped in kraft paper tied with raffia..115 guests all took one home…no waste!!


Tr6Contact us
t: 01249 720 354
m: 07877 785818
“Dear Treez, thank you so much for creating our festival flowers for our wedfest. You 100% listened and captured the theme of the day and the flowers you chose were perfect. The bouquets were especially stunning. Thank you for also being such fun and really supportive throughout. You are an amazing lady. Thank you so much. ”– Love Laura and Andyuk
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